Monday, May 10, 2010
Senior Garden
On Thursday we went to the Senior Garden. Some questions I asked the senior was if they used any GM-O's in their seeds. Her answer was that the garden was all natural and organic and that they work on the garden almost four times a week. My group and I also asked what kind of edible foods they harvested and if they ever sold them to a farmer's market. The answer to that question was that they have harvested edible flowers, lettuce, and spinach. The seniors have never put any of their food in a farmer's market, but they have purchased supplies from their garden there. They have also cooked a meal for people with the food they have grown.
How does the garden reflect living sustainable?
The garden reflects living sustainable by not using GM-O's, being organic, and using supplies from the farmer's market. This reflects being sustainable because they aren't using any hormones in their food, which makes them much healthier.
What did you like or not like about the garden?
I liked all the flowers there because they were really bright colors and you could tell the seniors took good care of them. The other plants, like the artichokes and onions were cool to see because it showed me how they first look before they are fully grown. There wasn't really anything that I didn't like.
Would you like to continue the seniors work?
I would really like to continue the senior's work in the future! I think it would be a fun experience to see how the garden will grow over the year.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Talking These Ideas Out
While watching Food Inc. I was shocked about how meat is really processed. Something that struck me was all the horrible torture that animals go through just so someone can buy it at a grocery store, cook it, and take a bite. It was really sad to see that at certain places chickens are seen as so valueless that they are put in the dark to live in their own feces. The person I interviewed was my mom. I asked her what her definition of organic was. She said,"Organic means all natural. It is food with no hormones put into it and that hasn't been cleaned with chemicals." My family feels like animals should be treated humanely. They agree with me about how animals who are slaughtered for meat, like chickens,cows,or pigs should live happy lives and be able to roam around. Although watching the video hasn't changed what I eat, it has changed what I think about it and I have learned a lot.
Monday, April 19, 2010
School Daze
"What have you personally learned to help teachers with their task?"
"Don't ask questions."
Ishmael and Julie's conversation about teachers not wanting their students to ask questions really struck me. It made me wonder if teachers really are bothered when their students don't understand something they are teaching. I chose to respond to this quote because it really had me interested and I started to form my own opinions on this subject. I think it would be a student's fault if they didn't understand something because you could always ask your teacher a question that will help you figure out what you were wondering about. I don't really agree with the author because he is basically stereotyping that all teachers are the same.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Plane of Doom
All was still in the airplane that was headed to Florida. Sarah’s eyes weren’t exactly fighting to stay open. Instead her pupils were wide, like what a little girl’s would look on her first trip to Disneyland. Her hair was long, dirty-blonde, and it never stayed in place. She had wonderful hazel eyes and thin rosy lips. Her body was very athletic-looking, but she never played a sport in her life. Sarah watched as all different kinds of people drooled and snored. They slept peacefully, like naughty, worn-out children after a long day of mischief. The old man sitting next to Sarah wasn’t asleep either. Instead tears drowned his eyes, which had faded with age. He mourned for his deceased wife, which he had known ever since he was a freshman in high school. A week before she was in a terrible car accident. Sarah was usually sympathetic and would give anyone tissues and reassuring words whenever she saw someone was feeling down.
This night was a different story. She barely even noticed the man, and was too distracted from daydreaming about her trip to Florida. Sarah’s hazel eyes danced and smiled. Before she had left to the airport, she had excitedly packed her bags by stuffing mountains of clothes onto each other, not caring to fold them. She had glided around her messy college dorm-like house and kept picturing the last time she had visited her fiancé. The outrageously bright sun shone onto the brilliant blue ocean, which made it feel like a jacuzzi It was so bright it temporarily blinded anyone who stared it for too long. Her fiancé, Darren, got on his knees as if he was making a sandcastle. He pulled out a box out of a wadded up towel and out came that enchanted question every lady wants to hear.
“Will you… marry… me?”
His words seemed to appear in slow motion. For about five seconds Sarah thought she was dreaming.
“Of course!” She jumped into his arms, squeezing him tightly, not to hurt him; she just never wanted to let him go. Now it was nearly midnight and she was still blasting music up on her i-Pod, which she had been doing the whole time. The airplane finally came to a stop. Sarah assumed that the plane had landed so she took off her seatbelt rebelliously. Suddenly the ground seemed to disappear from under her.
The plane whirled and twirled around in the air and everyone awoke, screaming, terrified for their lives. The world seemed to fall apart. Everyone, but Sarah, at least had their seatbelts tightly around them, but she flew down the aisle. Her heart was a drum, thudding and pounding against her chest. Sarah thrashed against the seats, and hit her head. For a moment everything in her view was spinning. This cannot be happening, Sarah thought. Then everything went black. It was as if the whole world was hidden under a colossal black curtain. She couldn’t hear anything, see anything, or think anything…
“Wake up, wake up!” Sarah could vaguely feel someone shaking her, but she was not all the way conscious yet.
“Is she alive?” There was another voice now.
“What?” Her eyes finally opened. Sarah found herself laying down awkwardly on her side.
“Who are you?”
Two unfamiliar people faced her now. A man and a woman. The lady had long black hair, which was now tattered from the plane crash. Parts of her clothes were stained with blood. The man dressed as a businessman. He had a shabby suit on and his slick brownish hair was parted to the side.
The lady now spoke, “My name is Rosemary and this is Todd. We think the pilot fell asleep while flying the plane. You passed out during the plane crash.”
Duh, Sarah snapped in her mind. She looked around and shuddered at the sight. Everyone in their seats were dead. Their faces were pallid, like ghosts, and some even had their eyes open.
“They’re all…”
“Dead, we know,” Todd now spoke. “The thing is we’re stuck in this plane!”
Sarah looked out the window and saw that they hadn’t exactly landed on land. The plane had furiously collided into the ocean and sunk to the very bottom of the sea! Fish were swimming everywhere. Sarah thought they looked so beautiful, but she’d rather not see them this close. She’d rather not see them at all in her life if it meant not seeing Darren ever again and being trapped in water forever.
“What are we going to do?” Sarah asked, terrified. Her voice came out as squeaky as a mouse. She felt like her heart had just been ripped out of her chest. “I can’t swim! We’re never going to get out of here and I’m never going to see my fiancé ever again!”
Todd tried to reassure her. “We won’t be able to call anybody from the bottom of the ocean, so we’re going to have to swim to the top. We could do this. Rosemary and I have known each other forever and we were both great swimmers in high school. We’ll just swim to the top and you could ride on my back. It’s worth a try. Look, we either stay here surrounded by dead people, run out of food, or we can try and escape.”
Sarah sighed, but finally agreed with Todd and Rosemary. They decided to wait until the next day for their swimming adventure. After Todd, Rosemary, and Sarah all ate food they found in the refrigerator, they all picked a place in an aisle and used some of the dead people’s jackets for blankets. They felt frigid, since the warmth of the bodies was no longer there. It was a long and sleepless night for Sarah. Her head was filled of thoughts of Darren and she wondered if the plan about swimming to land would work. She was like an insomniac, tossing and turning all night, and unable to close her exhausted eyes.
The morning she dreaded was finally here. The sun was nowhere to be seen, but the water was brighter and easier to see through, like when the lenses of a person’s glasses are cleaned. The three survivors of the plane crash ate a short breakfast, and then opened the doors to the airplane. This is it, Sarah thought, as she held onto Todd’s back. Rosemary followed behind them as they finally took off into the wet, fishy ocean.
Sarah held on tight, but was scared as tons and tons of fishes swam by very near to her. She held her breath for a long time as Todd and Rosemary swam, but she could not take it anymore! I…can’t breathe, she thought. She was an asthmatic gasping for air, but her breaths were replaced with salty fluids from the water and her tears. She kicked and kicked to be set free from Todd so she could try and go back to the plane to be able to breathe again. Todd was a soccer ball and Sarah kicked harder and harder, until he finally let go. She kept kicking and swinging her arms to get back to the plane, but she couldn’t breathe. Todd tried to help her by reaching for her arm. While this was happening, heaves of water were filling Sarah’s mouth and lungs. She had no other choice than to swallow and die. Todd desperately swung for her arms, but missed, like a batter still learning the game. She slowly sunk to the bottom. Darren was the only thing she thought as she finally landed on the sand below.
Although Rosemary and Todd felt terrible about what had happened to Sarah, they had to keep swimming to survive. They pumped their arms and legs and breathed through their noses. Suddenly bubbles appeared all around a gray, mysterious shadow. Todd and Rosemary squinted their eyes and saw the figure was edging closer to them. It was gigantic and as it came near Rosemary and Todd could see it had very pointy, sharp teeth. The monster could smell the dry blood from Rosemary’s shirt. It turned crazy, like a psycho murderer trying to catch his victim. The shark tugged at Rosemary, at first gently, but then impatiently, as it craved for more food to for it to taste. Rosemary was underwater now and screamed, frantically as she felt her limbs ripping off, like Band-Aids.
Todd watched, astounded, as the color red was seen everywhere, taking place of the clear water, which surrounded him. He tried his best to tackle the shark, but he could now see he was too late. Rosemary was history now, and Todd was next.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Guide to the Year in science 2010: Entertainment
This article was about how things you would usually be able to watch on television will be able to be seen on mobile devices, like a net book or a cellphone. Before people could only watch their shows by using TV freed up parts. Now people will be able to watch live broadcasts for a low cost. Transmission towers were made so all you would need would be a tuner chip for signals. Two new movies that will be coming out is Iron Man 2 and Tron Legacy. There will also be new games made called Starcraft 2 and Brink.I think this is important it shows how much technology is changing. This article shows how far humanity has come that we won't even need a television anymore. We could just watch shows on our phones. This year in 2010 the new products will come out in stores. Many people will probably buy them and the mobile services will make a lot of money.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Guide to the Year in science 2010: Environment
The environment article is about marine species. Thousands are discovered every year. There are so many that it is a challenge, even for very intelligent scientists to name all species and where they come from. Therefore, a project was made, called Census of Marine Life, or also called CoML. Hundreds and hundreds of scientists have come together to study species to find out where they come from and where they live now. The CoML scientists have created models on the animals' habitats to see how it will be later on. By doing this they can see when the species will die entirely and how they can prevent this from happening sooner. Certain oceans that are more prone to this happening have now been prohibited from being able to fish there. Laws have been made in the United Nations, to protect the ocean.This topic to me is a big deal because I think all should have a right to live on this planet. Even though fish are little and uninteresting to some people they are still amazing in their own way and very important. It was good for the CoML scientists to disallow fishing in some areas where species could die because they are helping the animals live longer. I think humans could be selfish sometimes because they are only thinking about themselves, when it comes to fishing. The people who do that only want to make money off of how many fish they get and are not caring about the lives that are being cut short.In October fourththe news about this project will be spread all over Great Britain, when the results of what the scientists have learned will be public. This will also show people that fish are important too and open their eyes to see how they can help them. Some obstacles would be that fishing not being stopped in other places, which can make some of them become extinct. Water is being polluted as well, which isn't helping.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Semester Academic Goals
For this second semester I would like to work on the Perspective Habit of Mind .I think it would be good to ask myself how other people would see my work and what they would think of it. This will help my work get better becuase at the back of my mind I will know that other people will see my work and that will make me want to try harder.
Another goal of mine would be to share my writing in WEX because in the last semester I didn't feel comfortable enough to read my writing in front of the whole class. If I start sharing it can make me a better writer, by hearing what my classmates think. I can make my work better, based on the comments that are said to me. Reading my writing can also help me when I do presentations.
Lastly, I would like to focus on my work more , instead of doing other things. for example, when I get home I should start my homework first before I do anything else. Those are my goals for this semester.
Semester Academic Goals
First Goal:
Study for tests
First Step:
Look over my notes in my brain book
Second Goal:
Ask questions when I don't understand something in class.
First Step:
Participate in class more by raising my hand or asking my teacher.
First Step:
Look over my notes in my brain book
Second Goal:
Ask questions when I don't understand something in class.
First Step:
Participate in class more by raising my hand or asking my teacher.
Third Goal:
Focus on my work, instead of other things.
First Step:
I can ask my classmates if they need any help on anything and I could show them how to do the problem if they don't understand.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
TT Essay
Project Description
In this assignment we had to take everything we learned about the civilization we were researching and put it into a seven paragraph essay.
Some steps I took to get the final product was going to the library and getting books about the topic I was learning about.I then looked for some extra information on the computer and wrote a rough draft. Lastly, I edited and revised that draft and changed what needed to be improved, by using editing and revising.
Something I learned was that Roman's art and architecture was advanced during the early times. For instance, they built a husge ampitheatre that could fit thousands of people. A challenge I encountered was focusing on what I needed to do because I wanted to do other things.I think I would change my essay by researching more and learning as muc h as I can about the Roman civiliztion. This will help in my future becuase I will know more about the subject I'm writing about and I could make my work even better.
In this assignment we had to take everything we learned about the civilization we were researching and put it into a seven paragraph essay.
Some steps I took to get the final product was going to the library and getting books about the topic I was learning about.I then looked for some extra information on the computer and wrote a rough draft. Lastly, I edited and revised that draft and changed what needed to be improved, by using editing and revising.
Something I learned was that Roman's art and architecture was advanced during the early times. For instance, they built a husge ampitheatre that could fit thousands of people. A challenge I encountered was focusing on what I needed to do because I wanted to do other things.I think I would change my essay by researching more and learning as muc h as I can about the Roman civiliztion. This will help in my future becuase I will know more about the subject I'm writing about and I could make my work even better.
Project Description
This assigment was about taking all the information we researched and painting a pillar to represent what civilization we were assigned to. For example, my civilization was Ancient Rome and I had to research its art and architecture. Therefore it was full of things that symbolized Roman's art and architecture, like the Colisseum and ancient statues.
Some steps I took to get to the final product was looking in books about Rome and sketching out how the building and statue looked on a piece of paper. After getting my paper looked over I was told what I could improve on. I used that advice and painted my sketch onto the pillar.
Something I learned was from doing my pillar was that my civilization made wonderful statues and how they were different and more unique than other civilizations. Some challenges I encountered was having to be patient with my classmates who were doing their work on the same pillar. There wasn't a lot of space to paint and many people were trying to get their work done at the same time. I would do it a little bit different by taking more time on my work and not rushing to finish. This can help me in the future because I will take more time on my work, which will make it better.
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