On Thursday we went to the Senior Garden. Some questions I asked the senior was if they used any GM-O's in their seeds. Her answer was that the garden was all natural and organic and that they work on the garden almost four times a week. My group and I also asked what kind of edible foods they harvested and if they ever sold them to a farmer's market. The answer to that question was that they have harvested edible flowers, lettuce, and spinach. The seniors have never put any of their food in a farmer's market, but they have purchased supplies from their garden there. They have also cooked a meal for people with the food they have grown.
How does the garden reflect living sustainable?
The garden reflects living sustainable by not using GM-O's, being organic, and using supplies from the farmer's market. This reflects being sustainable because they aren't using any hormones in their food, which makes them much healthier.
What did you like or not like about the garden?
I liked all the flowers there because they were really bright colors and you could tell the seniors took good care of them. The other plants, like the artichokes and onions were cool to see because it showed me how they first look before they are fully grown. There wasn't really anything that I didn't like.
Would you like to continue the seniors work?
I would really like to continue the senior's work in the future! I think it would be a fun experience to see how the garden will grow over the year.