1.A hero becomes a hero when they do something to help others. Heroes think about other people before themselves and take time out of their day to help someone in need. To me a hero isn't someone who necessarily has to do something so stupendous or great, like saving some one's life. It can be something average, like helping with homework, because they could just say, "Go ask your teacher, I'm busy." But if they choose to help it shows they actually care.
2.The Hero in my Eyes project was a writing assignment where we wrote about important people in our lives who have influenced us and have been good role models and heroes. I chose to write about my mom because she is a single mother who never complains or gives up.
3. To get to the final product I first thought of people to write about. I finally chose one person that I thought was worthy.I interviewed my mom After that I wrote our my first draft, which was edited and revised by a few of my classmates. I changed everything that needed was suggested to accommodating and then started on my final draft.
4.I learned, from interviewing my mom, that the world doesn't have to revolve around me and there are people in the world who have more important needs than mine. I realized that I could make a difference in some one's life for the better. Some challenges that occurred would be choosing the person I was going to write about because it was hard to choose to write about my mom over my best friend. Something that I would make different would be to put more showing not telling and description. This will help me later because I can become a better writer if I try harder and add more details.
5. One Habit of Mind that I used would be Wonder because when I fixed the things that my classmates and teachers edited for me it was to make it better.
6. Here's a link to my Character Sketch Blog Post :)http://illfofilly.blogspot.com/2009/11/character-sketch.html
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