Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talking These Ideas Out

While watching Food Inc. I was shocked about how meat is really processed. Something that struck me was all the horrible torture that animals go through just so someone can buy it at a grocery store, cook it, and take a bite. It was really sad to see that at certain places chickens are seen as so valueless that they are put in the dark to live in their own feces. The person I interviewed was my mom. I asked her what her definition of organic was. She said,"Organic means all natural. It is food with no hormones put into it and that hasn't been cleaned with chemicals." My family feels like animals should be treated humanely. They agree with me about how animals who are slaughtered for meat, like chickens,cows,or pigs should live happy lives and be able to roam around. Although watching the video hasn't changed what I eat, it has changed what I think about it and I have learned a lot.

Monday, April 19, 2010

School Daze

"What have you personally learned to help teachers with their task?"
"Don't ask questions."

Ishmael and Julie's conversation about teachers not wanting their students to ask questions really struck me. It made me wonder if teachers really are bothered when their students don't understand something they are teaching. I chose to respond to this quote because it really had me interested and I started to form my own opinions on this subject. I think it would be a student's fault if they didn't understand something because you could always ask your teacher a question that will help you figure out what you were wondering about. I don't really agree with the author because he is basically stereotyping that all teachers are the same.